Delhi, Life at School
Comments 61

Happy Birthday Ma and Other Stories: Summing Up January

February is a special month in Life. Ever since my arrival on Earth, nature has given me people in Feb I feel I belong to. Now two, but the one who gave me birth, who showed me to serve first. She, who I realised became my inner voice, who gifted me the eyes to decipher the right from wrong and the mind to believe in myself that I can create, I can do and that I can become whatever in life I wanted to, I am. That I am because of her. And all what i can go on writing, as various people have on earth for their mothers. How much ever I may write but these words weigh nothing and will never amount to anything for how mothers are to us. Just like all the mothers of the world, they are nothing but rivers, that from wherever they pass, they nourish.

And if I dig deeply and i did, I found that all along throughout my childhood it was she who has been a Hero for me, still is. And what other blessing in life can there be to work alongside her on something we both believe, to work under her leadership- Our little school that we take care of apart from hers and mine work. She also runs a Women Empowerment Organisation and past month around 100 government school girls came to attend a workshop on a skill development programme. Its nothing but nature working through her. I feel happy to be sharing this day and dedicating this small tribute to her like repeating an old birthday song that goes on inside me for her.

Ma, Happy Birthday.

Some moments of her beautiful her presence in my life. Or mine in hers as she counters.

I think one of her first image before marriage, circa 1985

Happy, i think it was my younger sister’s birthday, 1990

The coolest one even amongst the three of us. Father got a Kodak KB10 Camera, and next day it was Picnic. Also the start of my romance with Photography. That evening in New Delhi, RajGhat.

One of my all time favourite of hers, on the way to Nainital, stopping for chai. Can’t think of a better image to promote Coke over Tea or the other way.

Happy with Children

Talking to her tribe, I think it was a meeting on skill development and moral education of Girl child.

She is quiet a confident singer, here she must be singing some bhajan.

On a recent Picnic with School Children i still have to write about, to Deva Farms.

Working together on our favourite part of the School, the roof garden.

I think this was on Independence Day, 2023

A little sneak peek into her sometimes scrolling world

And what did i gift her if you may ask?

The most beautiful Bonsai little tree i could scout. Gardener told me that it could be at least 10-12 years old. Will prune it in some weeks time and make a better image.

And the first month of 2024 is done, just like last taken breath, as if there was none. Doesn’t it feel like how almost no time we have? How fast the last day became today, and the last year, decade? How fast have we grown to be who we are today.

For me January wasn’t a pleasant month technically as my computer has constantly given me problems and I do not know if any one of my co-travellers on Road To Nara realised for how long i haven’t been publishing photographic essays; and it is all thanks to my computer and its editing software. But i hope to get around it soon.

I saw growth in some areas of writing, my routine and school schedule but January hasn’t been too kind to start with if we talk about Delhi weather. Here and ongoing, and my people who are living in this part of the world will shout out loud and will take a note that Delhi hasn’t seen this weather in last 74 years. Imagine, we just celebrated 75th Republic Day. So, going around with couple of commissioned work, walking under pile of layers of clothes, finding warmth while sipping innumerable cups of tea and school in early morning hours of smog filled air has been a task. Moreover, as I already knew, January was going to be dedicated to editing a very complex musical documentary (of which I had also written about during my Travels in the Indian South last year) that I am working on with my dearest Sis Ayur Sattvic on a prehistoric temple in Kerala. She has been more than my support in this Journey and has stood alongside like a meadow with sun shining at an altitude where chilly winds keep slapping your cheeks. But we are almost done, and once it gets a nod from the concerned people, i will be more than happy to share it.

As for reading, It wasn’t as good a month for reading but i did complete whatever time I got in the last hour of the night, two books- ‘Walking the Walk’ by Swami Tyagananda and ‘The Collected Works of Ramana Maharishi’ which I am consciously slowing down to finish.

I hope to continue this summing up month around month’s end as i have seen it helps straightening out those curves we take in life for granted and many a times forget to learn from.

Also hoping to hear your share of stories if January was kind, Cold, Cozy with Coffees for you too this year ?

: ँ :

Thank you.

If today is the first time you have arrived on The Road to Nara, you are heartily welcome ~ Namaste

: ँ :

I will take this opportunity to introduce you to About me and importantly,

As a co-traveller, share my Ten Lessons I learnt from several years on the road, before you coarse on your own Road to Nara.

: ँ :

You might also like to know about My Little School Project.

If you wish to come over for a visit someday, that you must, you will be heartily welcome here

If you have anything to share, or feel like saying a hello, please feel free to write to me at

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: ँ :

This entry was posted in: Delhi, Life at School


Hi, I am Narayan Kaudinya. And i welcome you on this journey, the Road to Nara ! I am an Ethnographer and a practicing Indologist. I did my masters in History and further learnt Sanskrit, Yoga and Nerve-therapy. At 24, pushing most academic sounding, office sitting works away, i felt compelled to know and understand the world and my country, Bharat/India. I travelled, and as it happened i took up teaching in Kashmir and further up in the remote villages of Baltistan in the foothills of Karakoram Ranges. For around three years and many states later there came a time when i felt that it was only while teaching i learnt how to laugh, to see, feel, breathe, love and cry -with children, and mostly resource-less parents in the harshest-freezing border conditions. I write, and work as a documentary photographer and Filmmaker, with numerous published, exhibited and some awarded stories. In my travels and life i have let nature lead me, the divine mother, and as a Yogin, my resolve here is to share my experiences and thoughts as honestly, and through them to blossom in everyone the power and possibility in pursuing your breath, that you seek your true nature with courage and curiosity. Here, on this road i will share my spirit, my love for nature, the elements of life that are us. And in doing so, i'll be happy to see you along.


  1. aparna12 says

    Do convey my heartiest birthday wishes to your mother. 🎂🎂🎂🎂🍫🍫🍫, Lovely post.

    Liked by 1 person

    • aah Aparna thank you so much for so many cakes and candy’s. It was a beautiful day that day. Also apologies for taking this much time to write back since then. In between had a hectic couple of weeks at work and school. Thank you again.


    • Aah Dear Dawn, she certainly is. Thank you so much for stating this little fact. Also apologies for taking this much time. Hectic days post her birthday at work and in school made it hard to write back 🙂


  2. What a beautiful tribute, Narayan, to your beautiful Mother! Indeed, she guided your path in life, your interests, and your character. Her exceptional social work in helping and inspiring others, her creative work at the school, her spiritual outlook on life, and her guiding principles of doing what is right rather then what we like, are all part of your personality, and who you are. It will be her immortal legacy, as your own children guided by you will continue her teaching. We all need that rock solid presence of someone who is by our side, and just like our shadow, never leaves us, your Mother is this rock you can and will always depend on.

    May I join all your readers, Narayan, in wishing your Mother tomorrow, 2nd of February 2024, a very Happy Birthday,

    many, many returns, and may all her dreams come true!



    • My dearest thank you for the most precious words. Again it is pure yet beautiful coincidence as I thank you for your message on her birthday as you celebrate your birth day today. Makes me smile and glad as i write it.

      She certainly has been the single most influence if i have find and name some from my family, no one else but her. And how specific and on point you are to say it correctly.

      From my heart, Thank you so much my dearest.

      And a very Happy birthday to you, many many happy returns many fold to you.

      Lots of love.


  3. This is a beautiful post for your mom. These loving words could have been her present, I’m sure she feels the same. Maggie


    • aah dear Maggie, apologies for taking time to write. thank you for these wishes. More than mine, teachers and children at the school made her day beautiful 🙂 Thank you so much again Maggie.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Happy birthday to your mother, Narayan. May she continue to be a guiding light and inspire all those around her and especially children, for many more, blessed years. Enjoyed reading your wonderful tribute to her and hope you have a lovely celebration tomorrow. The bonsai as a gift, is lovely too. Eternity in a pot.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Apologies for taking time to write back dear Diti. Your wishes filled with love and gratitude reached her. It was a good. It had rained in Delhi and skies were clear like an after wash window pane. And Eternity in a pot, actually I loved it more than her 🙂

      thank you so much again.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. “And the first month of 2024 is done, just like last taken breath, as if there was none.” That’s lovely, Narayan. Happy Birthday to your beautiful mother!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Best wishes to your beautiful mother. She is obviously a special lady and doing such good work. I have no doubt she must be terribly proud of the work you do too. It seems that January was not a popular month for a lot of people. Maybe end of month ‘wrapping up’ is a good idea as we certainly can always learn something from adversity even if we don’t like it at the time! I hope the weather will improve for you soon as well as your computer’s behaviour! Best wishes all round!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you, dear Caro. I think the january cold makes many go into their shelves. This time it felt too much to me too. I ll convey your heartfelt wishes to me ‘beautiful mother’


  7. 100 year record cold weather here too.

    And… You know a book is good when you have to slow yourself down!

    Happy birthday to your mother ~ beautiful inside and out. 🙏


  8. KK says

    A lovely, pictorial tribute to your ma! Wishing her a very happy birthday and many many blessed returns of the day 🙏💐🙏

    Liked by 1 person

  9. A beautiful tribute to your Mother on her birthday. I smile with her as she sits at her desk. 😊Precious Mothers! 🤗💓🙋‍♂️

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Beautiful tribute to your mother.
    It’s good to express your feelings for your parents. Gives them comfort and happiness.
    Convey my regards and best wishes to her.


  11. Beautiful pictures of your mother. Especially, the black and white one. My regards to her and all the very best to you. You have finished two books which are heavyweight. Ramanna Maharishi’s must be biblical. Give us a gist some day.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Your ma sounds like a beautiful person in every way.

    Did I tell you yet that our very first trip to India was to Tiruvannamalai to spend 3 months sitting in Ramana’s ashram? So beautiful.


    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, dear Ali. She certainly is beautiful.

      No, never. Thiru is very close to me too and to spend nearly 100 days in the ashram is a blessing. Wow. Just wishing to know, if you have any plans of coming back here in near future?

      Liked by 1 person

    • That is alright Jay, January are supposed to be lazy. Though here in India there is always some kind of festival is going on. No month is spared. Thank you for writing.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. I know this is late but what a fitting post to mother dearest! As a mother, I felt your words. 🩷 Thanks for sharing her special day.

    Liked by 1 person

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