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Mine Against the World of Elon Musk: Some Secrets on High Performance and Thoughts on Artificial Intelligence

Then why not breathe as deep and fill lungs as you never did before. And why not keep the body devoid of extra food. Only when it will remain in hunger it will start performing more, Only if you are not constantly thinking of food to fill it with again. Which is easy, which is the norm, which in all cases could and should be done to an extent. To be mindfull. Mind? Well, Never mind.

It has been said only a little tweak is enough to give a new direction. Musk reads. And was known for reading a book or two a day in his teenage years.

He is voracious and loves to read on almost any topic. Once someone asked how did you get an idea to build a rocket. He replied,

I read books.

But, he also stressed not only to consume any knowledge, but to be aware of what content are you consuming. As this makes all the difference that day and soon in Life.

Musk says Shower; frequent showers is the biggest reason which has had the most positive impact on his life, which could be really true. Showers do change the mindset and even the heart or direction set. I myself have experienced it though in Indian Cities where I live, my mind was groomed to always save water. So somehow it is tuned to make showers short. And not that it works shortly. It works as effectively well.

But he wants to leave Earth and go to Mars. Why? May be because he is haunted by future. May be he fears the machines. Humans becoming humanoids and Robots, super robots. More intelligent than Man. And there are proofs. And by the day Robots are proving themselves pretty efficient in almost walks of life. Recently they were in the news for punishing a little kid just too hard during a game of chess. The AI pinned his index finger down for he played twice in one turn. This certainly wouldn’t have happened had the administrator was a human.

During a conversation chinese businesman Jack Ma disagreed with Elon Musk on moral grounds. Musk who is dreaming of an Earth outside Earth on planet Mars wants to experiment carrying people to Space, to the planets. And Jack Ma didn’t mince his words who felt that the need to work with humans to make Earth a better place is much more now than ever. And we should not think to leave Earth because there is no gurantee if the new place or the planet will be left in peace. The cycle of exploration and destruction will repeat just how and what has been done to our planet Earth. And which will be worse for the coming generation. Even though Jack Ma is naturally right but I do not know how to react when a businessman like Musk admits that one Super Robot has become Sentient. That is a machine has attained Nirvana, Moksha, Heaven. He himself is alarmed. And thus wants to leave Earth at the prospect of Machines ruling Humans.

Yes, it is scary.

But Sentience is impossible in the mechanistic domain, or so I would like to think. Can something as personal as pain be programmed? I imagine NO! It is a metaphysical quality, spritual if you would like to say. And Spritual is nothing but caring and sharing in simplistic language.

Consciousness is not a computational artifact. Computation produces numbers, never anything more. Though Computational intelligence is quite possible. Computational consciousness is not.

For most of us, our understanding of robots and artificial intelligence (AI) is drawn more from science fiction than from fact. But it is true that the world of intelligent machines is opening up. And as we approach this brave new world of human-level machine intelligence, we may need to reassess what it means to be human.

I would really like to know your thoughts on what all you think future holds for us and the coming generations ?

: ँ :

Thank you.

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: ँ :

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: ँ :

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: ँ :


Hi, I am Narayan Kaudinya. And i welcome you on this journey, the Road to Nara ! I am an Ethnographer and a practicing Indologist. I did my masters in History and further learnt Sanskrit, Yoga and Nerve-therapy. At 24, pushing most academic sounding, office sitting works away, i felt compelled to know and understand the world and my country, Bharat/India. I travelled, and as it happened i took up teaching in Kashmir and further up in the remote villages of Baltistan in the foothills of Karakoram Ranges. For around three years and many states later there came a time when i felt that it was only while teaching i learnt how to laugh, to see, feel, breathe, love and cry -with children, and mostly resource-less parents in the harshest-freezing border conditions. I write, and work as a documentary photographer and Filmmaker, with numerous published, exhibited and some awarded stories. In my travels and life i have let nature lead me, the divine mother, and as a Yogin, my resolve here is to share my experiences and thoughts as honestly, and through them to blossom in everyone the power and possibility in pursuing your breath, that you seek your true nature with courage and curiosity. Here, on this road i will share my spirit, my love for nature, the elements of life that are us. And in doing so, i'll be happy to see you along.


  1. I wish I had answers for you! However, I know how I felt and when I read the news that Bezo and guests went into space; what came to me immediately was the thought: “perhaps Captain Kirk will save the world!” William Shatner (Kirk in Startrek) was actually aboard Blue Origin and of course, I was being sarcastic! As one prominent astronomer here in the UK recently declared, “the cosmos is infinite”. So, plenty of space for even more mining! There’s that sarcasm again! Sorry! 🙋‍♂️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This seemingly different writing of Narayan who is known for his quest to introduce the world to the culture of the oldest civilization that is India, despite digression into the philosophy of Elton Musk, still pertains to the Yogi practices, of which he is a master. His thoughts on the importance of correct breathing, self-discipline, having 7-8 hours intervals between meals, intermit fasting, and being active through practicing yoga, even include advice on the use of short showers, a necessity in climate change water shortage, all the suggestions are medically proven to give us a healthier and longer lives, and originated in India.

    What draws Narayan’s interest in Elton Musk is his own knowledge of the power of reading that they both share. While Musk’s reading takes him to plan a new life on Mars, Narayan’s wisdom and knowledge come from studying ancient texts of sages to a wide range of literature and poetry of our times.

    Elton Musk’s fear of the future of humanity makes him plan to resettle on Mars.
    He writes and talks about the danger of Robots being able to wipe us out. Narayan presents arguments to the contrary that I agree wholeheartedly with, namely that we are not able to create Robots that are programmed by humans that will develop into conscious beings. Interesting exchange between a Chinese businessman who is pointing out that we should first make everything on Earth improved before going into the universe and start destructing planets there.

    Narayan’s conclusions remind me of what a wonder of creation our planet is, and how his thought-provoking extraordinary writing really is, whatever the chosen subject.
    Thank you, Narayan, for your perfect, new ideas illuminating post.


    Liked by 4 people

    • This is my dearest Joanna, a whole hearted assessment of everything here and there after. Thank you for these wise words dear Joanna.


      • Thank you, Dear Narayan, for your beautiful reply.

        Your outlook on the future is the wise one as humanity always stepped back from the edge of the precipice in the past, understanding that there is only one planet Earth, and we must protect it by all means we have.



    • Very interesting and thought provoking post, so different from what you write on normally, yet the line of thought stays connected. With regard to the two widely divergent points of view on the future of the world shared by Ma and Musk, probably the fact that one is an Asian and the other an American, backed by their respective histories and culture, played a big part in shaping them too. To think like Musk, that a robot can attain nirvana is not only bizarre but also deeply worrying in its arrogance and pride. As usual we are scripting our own disasters as humans and for our beautiful planet.


      • Thanks dear Diti. It may true as you pointed towards the source of two men coming from two different cultures and how they think about the world. I agree with you Diti. Thanks again.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. My friend, until spirit walks in, we ourselves are just hamburger.

    If a rock, a tree, a mountain, a planet have incorporated consciousness; if there is a three-inch shrimp which sees in ten more primary colors than I do; if I cannot comprehend the danced communication of bees, or the color communication of octopi ~ I shall be very careful about thinking that a “piece of metallic hamburger” as sophisticated as an “artificially” intelligent being can attract no order of conscious spirit whatsoever.

    I’m afraid your manuscript reads nearly identically to those of the stuffed-shirt British of the colonial era, talking about you yourself.

    Beware of apologizing yet another slave race.

    Thank you for reaching out for feedback, Narayan Ji. It happens to be a subject on which I feel strongly!


    Liked by 1 person

    • You could be right dear Ana. I won’t deny as yet. More so when we get attached to machines like cars or whichsoever serves us.

      But that was why I wanted a conversation. Because you know man wants to teach nature a lesson or two.

      But may be it feels like nobody’s future.


            • I know we’re smack in the middle of Kali ~ is there a projected timeline for release to another golden era?


            • You know, I have a couple of thoughts on this, the first being that our planet is running out of resources, down to 5% of old growth and 3% of its wildlife ~ we’re out of time ~ and the second being that time is a very relative phenomenon ~ our planet, just for instance, is acknowledged by scientists to be spinning faster now ~ we’re out of time.

              I’m thinking that time itself as we know it is coming to its natural end, will be non applicable in the new era, and is getting very shaky even now.

              Was there any projected end to or alteration of the yurga cycle? I’m thinking perhaps that it applied to the third dimension only, that which we are attempting to lift ourselves out of right now.

              We can’t know till we see, can we?


            • Dearest Sis, what I think on this is that Man will take care of itself in the coming time, now when he has started moving towards renewable resources. In 10 years tp 15 max we will move away from fossil fuels as seen in the shift of Oil producing countries like Saudi.

              Our daily lives have become faster, our connectivity, our minds in respect to waiting, are not really waiting- at the same time ‘time’ is related to only us respectively i.e we know time as our experience solely. We are, so is time for us but in eastern cultures here who believe in travelling of the soul, leaving one body and upon death taking the other we move till we grow and yearn for attaining higher values like compassion, gratitude and there onwards yearning to attaining the one itself- the source. Ours journey is that. For Earth is rotating, repeating like a potter’s wheel.

              I shall share a link with you where in our ancient texts it is written that earth or say life on earth has already been destroyed 51 times, just passing the half way mark of the age of the Sun. Half. Imagine. And so it is not so much about the end. Because one end is the start of another cycle. Just keep smiling Sis, keep looking at the blue sky Praying and wishing for good for everybody. Its all fine. Even if in the end the ones who have to, will find their light.

              As an old Indian saying in sanskrit goes –
              “sarve bhavantu sukhina, sarve santu niramayah
              sarve bhadrani pashyantu, ma kashchid dukh bhaag bhavetah”

              Love to you

              Liked by 2 people

            • Thank you from my heart for your time, thought and love in sending such a detailed reply!

              So far, our teachings and conclusions may find themselves, I believe, in harmony.

              Time itself has indeed attained many structures through history and prehistory, notable among them being the (count ’em!) seven calendars by which the Mayans lived ~ the simplest of which still provides a clear map of an individual day’s major influences thousands of years later ~ and the Pacific Island cultures, to whom time was entirely cyclic, with no forward or backward progressions at all.

              One of the objections being raised to time in the way it is practiced in the modern West is that its innate rigidity impedes any personal experience of time ~ like the early Tibetan objections to our mapmaking, or the African Kikuyu tribal horror of counting exactly anything at all.

              Many would like to return to the older Moon based system which spawned some of the more remarkable early calendars of man.

              Are you aware of the Christian’s Biblical prophecy of the separation of worlds? It would seem to postulate a very similar progression as for that of the developing soul ~ but very suddenly, and for a large number of people at once, as well, many modern mystics believe, as that of the Earth, in a sort of gallactically-scaled parthogenesis ~ leaving the third dimensional planet to continue in the old balances of power, and freeing her soul, along with those individual souls suddenly ascending, for incarnation in a higher dimension. She’s put up with a lot from us!

              Anyway, this would be a concept which allows for the perfections of each of our realms of perception to exist together in harmonious consideration. Worth regard!

              Thank you again for sharing the precious fruits of your scholarship and meditation, Much love, your sister Ana


      • And thank you for opening for input. At the last, each must go with whatever resonates to their own souls. 🙏


          • When we think about it, extending consideration toward life forms different from our own has been one of the big human lessons since the dawn of time ~ and I think you’re right, it will be an issue until the end of it as well.

            Fortunately, my personal opinion is that the end of time as we Westerners know it is coming soon. 🌄

            Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: ReBlogging ‘Mine Against the World of Elon Musk: Some Secrets on High Performance and Thoughts on Artificial Intelligence’ | Relationship Insights by Yernasia Quorelios

  5. Yernasia Quorelios says

    💜 CI (Created Intelligence) just like a Child born with Shared Genes; whether Synthetic or Biological “Intelligence” is “Intelligence” or Total Dumbness as in ‘Parents are dumb” http://www.ericberne.com


    Liked by 1 person

    • Yernasia Quorelios says

      💎 – Diamond Hard – 💎

      💎 Oddly enough EveryOne a simple calculator is smarter than a “human being” that’s why they are not allowed in examination rooms; basically We Humans ARE Full of OurSelves and spend a lot of time relying on technology like smartphones that ARE SMARTER!!! than We ARE EveryBody, just observe ALL Those Biological Androids (Created Intelligence (CI) Programmed) Around YOU!!! including YOURSELF!!! on Their SmartPhones Powered by Android ignoring Their MMHI (Multiple Mental Health Issues)

      💎 – Diamond Hard – 💎


      Liked by 1 person

  6. Yernasia Quorelios says

    💎 – Diamond Hard – 💎

    💎 Exist, Experiment and Experience then Learn EveryOne; or Suffer then Die a Miserable Death Mourned by Few and Celebrated by Many who Turn Up to The Funeral just to Confirm The Death EveryBody Crying Croc Tears

    💎 – Diamond Hard – 💎


    Liked by 1 person

  7. What does the future hold? No human can tell you the answer to that on a daily basis. Concerning the world as a whole, how will all this end or will it end? Yes, one day, this world as we know it will end. Evil will have had its day and the love and righteousness of God will reign in Jesus Christ. He tells us in his word that this world’s end brings a new heaven and a new earth that will exist forever in peace with him. All who want to experience His eternal kingdom can through believing Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who lived and walked this earth until He was crucified. But death could not keep him. He rose from the dead and returned to the Father God. Those who believe this and receive the forgiveness of their sin through the death of Jesus become God’s children, a part of this eternal kingdom. This is our eternal, certain hope, our sure word from God himself who cannot lie.


  8. Anonymous says

    AI is an important issue that we humans need to address, but the threats to the future of our species are much greater. Elon Musk may be weird, but he is no fool. He knows that humanity’s current way of life on Earth is doomed and, like other billionaires, he has the wealth and ingenuity to save himself.


    • But selfish motives seldom last the tests of nature. That was why I felt compelled to bring in Jack Ma, also for a more inclusive approach in bringing humanity together not that the threat from AI is apparent as of now, but may be in the coming decade as the coming/looming wars will ravage and change the coarse of the world, tech will take a leap.


  9. KK says

    I think anything is possible, with so many scientific inventions going on including genetic engineering. IOT and 5G/6G are already changing our day-to-day life enormously. Even banks have started using robots. But I do feel that there are still enough to be explored and exploited here on this planet itself rather than going to find out new cosy places and new species on some other planet. In all, a thought provoking piece, Narayan ji. Enjoyed reading it.


    • You are right Kaushal Ji. It is inevitable. To think of ourselves who weren’t born in tech era, but have taken to it like bee to sweets. There is a lot to be explored absolutely and probably we have just given way to the next level humanoids.

      Thank you for your valuable comments Kaushal Ji. This essay came out intuitively and I actually wanted to hear what all think about this. Thank you again.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. I will tell you briefly some of my relevant thoughts. What is revealed when an Elon Musk figure proclaims that some artifice, or the internet, or some software loaded into a robotic shell, has become sentient? First, what is revealed, is that the person making this claim is a materialist in terms of their heart-of-hearts worldview. A materialist has no concept for what a soul is (and therefore what a human is) because to them only matter corresponds with reality. There are many materialists today, and especially within academia, because education has been overtaken by this unexamined ideology. The second thing it reveals is that there is little or no relationship between cleverness, scientific talent or expertise, and spiritual insight. The world could easily continue forward under the increasingly asleep delusion that material science penetrates __ and is the only thing which can penetrate — reality. Which will lead to disaster, and already has been.

    Now did things get like this? One way to begin to understand this, I have found, is to examine the perspective of the western philosopher Thomas Nagel. And I wrote a kind of introduction to his most important ideas here: https://skirmisheswithreality.net/2016/02/04/nagel-summarizes-nagel/#more-427

    I appreciate that you wish to earnestly examine these questions. More must try to do so. Thanks.


  11. Pingback: Mine Against the World of Elon Musk: Some Secrets on High Performance and Thoughts on Artificial Intelligence – Site Title

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