

My mother’s wedding day is a sob story. ‘It was distressing’, she would tell me many a times. Not because she had anything against father, but she was asked to leave her studies, all what she had learnt came to a halt within days. And within weeks, of never knowing who or what she even thought, she was married, left the City overnight where she had dreamt of doing something into to a village, for life.

My maternal grandfather didn’t see a point why she should study. And this made her cry. To him, investing in her girl was a waste of money, my mother would say. It was in the mid 1980s and probably a story that many girls might have experienced or even still do in India.

But things slowly changed, my father understood and decided to come out of the village and start a new Life elsewhere. Both my parents got a teaching job while after my birth, mother left the job yet her desire to do something for women who could not help themselves lead to founding an organisation that soon started not just helping but training and skilling all the marginalised, underprivileged, poor women in fields that she had learnt, for no fee, at all.

This was the family, the community she built all by herself.

She named the Organisation :


helped numerous women to find there own voice, confidence and above all a door to freedom.

In 1997, the organisation opened a primary school for children coming from the nearby community for the underprivileged. It happened over a period of time. After several requests from the women who were coming for the skill development programme at Nari Jagran Shakti, kept requesting for a study room directed towards learning.

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CRPF personals showcasing self defence techniques at school premises

Since, there was no education system in place in the neighbourhood and children seemed to be going nowhere, we decided to establish an education collective, following the age old Gurukul Shiksha Method in sync with the much needed contemporary English Medium Education that Indians demand.


Brilliant Public School thus took shape into an endeavouring initiative, and it has been the only most important part of my growing up years. I learnt seeing my mother running, caring to build an education based community for woman and children motivated by the ideals of Rani Jhansi and Mother Teresa.

Later when I took to teaching in remote areas of my country, I was motivated as much to do and create such avenues for children in Arts, Sports and Education. Learning while teaching, travelling in these areas motivated and inspired me to continue and carry on the work of my mother.

Today, in 2024, the Organisation and the school continues to work towards the upliftment of children Education coming to school from the community of underprivileged families like Vegetable sellers, Rickshaw pullers, nearby shop keepers also including families from modest backgrounds.

In last few years, as I too have grown; we have tried to include Arts, Literature, Outdoor Activities and Ancient Indian methods to develop ones inner health and mind to meet the diverse educational need of the Global Society.


Hundreds of children who have gone through our school, and we are proud to announce it, have come back and involved themselves in more ways than one in day to day life at school. Helping younger generation developing them as debaters, organisers and artists.

I grew up here. I grew up seeing growth happening each and everyday. It was a study in itself. A life long learning. I attribute my everything to this education system that was founded in my own home.


Anyone who in coming weeks, months or years comes across this post, must know that we are always on a look out for someone who is happy and wants to share a bit of his/her joy with children and women. Ones who carry colours, words, are artists, storytellers, illustrators, designers, Photographers, filmmakers, theatre actors, in academics or in any field who to share their time with us, are wholeheartedly welcome. They must come and teach to learn; to share with the ones who in years coming should be the ones passing on.

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Hence said, there are few aims that our school work towards

1. World is a family, and thus to respect friends, elderly and animals equally.

2. Being a small school, we look after children personally and during the process we make sure to awaken a few basic tendencies in them like questioning rationally on actions in the society and in regards for the betterment and upliftment of ones community, neighbourhood they are a part of.


We show monthly films, call theatre friends to spare sometime to give them invaluable life lessons on storytelling skills on stage and otherwise.

In years coming we would like to continue educating, moreover transform our learning methods focusing on all round development of a student.

Brilliant Public School was founded in 1998 with eight children on the first day.

On the final day with my 2012 class in the northern-most Indian region of Baltistan.

Today Our small building is not enough to contain the growing number of children. And often talk about getting a bigger place somewhere. It is a continuous complaint that we receive from parents that how they wish the school had more classes till Secondary education.

But this is all there is. Whatever my Parents, I and perhaps only my Mother has done is to construct this Education Community one day at a time. And even though I grew up amongst all this, sometimes it is hard to believe even for me that my parents once lived in a village. I was born here. And it was from here the journey started. And it continues.

Today, as the demand of better for bigger and better premises grows, we find ourselves bound by the lack of resources, our building needs to be revamped and infrastructure needs to be upgraded.

For anyone who reads the stories of this blog, be it of Sustainable Travels, to various stories of making ones spirit a better place to live in, has come to me only because of the SEVA that has gone in giving the women, sisters and Children all what could have been.

It has given me immense happiness and has taught me the world of meanings.

We need to build a School that can shape the future of the Younger ones and Mothers that are the souls of Humanity


And Help build a School again.

You can send your donation to

Punjab National Bank
Account number- 50962612000117

NARI JAGRAN SHAKTI is a society registered under the Societies Registration Act of XXI 1860 Reg No. S 34509 OF 1999.

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With so many queries that keep arriving on my mail for all kinds of support, help and even visiting queries has been overwhelming.

Children are like Gods. We all have so much to learn from them than they learn from us. Curiosity. The ability to question and decipher for themselves. The better we can provide, the better they will give back; to the society, country for a better world. And it is today that they need to be the best in mind, body and spirit to be ready for this new world order.

I whole heartedly appreciate whoever has reached out and I thank you in Gratitude.

: ँ :


  1. Dearest Emma, not only amazing. If you are open towards exploring your own depths patiently with love and humility, India is magic, and the only land which can stimulate one’s identity. It is light with rainbow colours. Anyways, times are not apt to dream of a long future, but to share all what we have today. Hope you plan one day, and whenever you do, remember and write to me.

    Nara x


  2. Mousumi says

    You and your friends and colleagues are doing splendid work. Spreading education and knowledge among the young minds indeed is a noble work. Seeing those innocent smiles is heart warming.


    • Dear Mousumi,

      Your words delighted me, because its been months now, may be more than a year i had written anything about the school. More because we all know why! Things are slow and changes are enormous and so is the feeling amongst parents and children. We need to change and adapt in this transforming world.

      We have some ideas, and me- i am always open if you have any too.


    • Cheryl, how lovely to find you here on this work and project. Its kind of a daily practise. Minusing last two years, the children are back here again. I will probably upgrade the images and the work we are doing.

      Thank you so much for visiting. Wishes to you and family.

      Narayan x

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Rereading this post today brought back some memories from my own teaching days. I think teaching must be among the most fulfilling professions. I hope all is going well at the school, Narayan! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you for sharing about your school. Education and all that children learn in schools like yours make a difference in their lives. Here too we help a group of people who are working at the grass root level. There are so many people who live without hope. A small help makes a great difference. God bless you and your team.


  5. Brilliant school is aptly named. I love that you are wanting to disseminate holistic messages about the world as a family. A wonderful initiative I would love to continue to hear more about.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Amanda for writing this. Firstly, apologies for replying late on a project which is as parallely moving with me as life. You know this message world is one family is not as such what I am saying but it is taught us in Indian homes as a culture ‘hindu’ thing or teaching. And somehow it has entered our work and our approach as you may know how linguistically, culturally different Indians are yet there is one common thread we are naturally joined with. And thus this schools motto became. To go back to learn our elements, our roots.

      It’s also wonderful that the title stopped you. Obliged. Thanks.


  6. Beautiful! Thank you for doing this wonderful service to humanity 🙂 I had once volunteered at a school in Sikkim and in the end it was I who learned from the kids ♡ I would absolutely love to visit here some day 🙂


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