Day: 25/09/2023

40 Before Forty: My ‘Bucket List’ for Life

Somehow, its not surprising that even after writing for last three years on this site, I never shared any kind of Bucket List with you. Rather strangely It never even occurred to me. Even when I keep a daily, weekly, monthly to-do list. But this time it felt that I must share what all is meaningful and going to move me for some years to come. To observe and record my own directions, to raise expectations even though I have worked hard to get all feelings of “expectations” out of my system in last some years; But to travel more, to be able to express from a point of stillness more, to vibe more with you, with whom i have shared my most valuable memories in these years in thought, and that you should know some deeper directions that my spirit is wishing to take. Last week, I completed an important and likely decisive life cycle on our planet Earth. Touching the other side of 35. And I felt responsible to open up with you …