Announcements and Celebrations, Photographic Stories
Comments 61

Shades Of August

Dear Co-Travellers,

August tinkers like its the doorway to change. May be the first knock towards the last half of the year. The month brings Rain and rains bring movement. An upsurge of energy. Life happening everywhere while bringing us that twilight period of Clouds and glitter, of filtering light, running rivers, thundering skies and speaking earth.

I have been away from writing on the internet but I have been writing. A Project of importance or so i must feel; the law of cause and effect leads you to interesting crossroads. At home, a rally of unfortunate events one after other in the family and neighbourhood brought me to reason ‘The Origin of Disease’. About our understanding of food and ancient crops. And most importantly about self-healing. Is today’s society capable enough tackle stress, depression, anxiety, internet addiction, or even life and time management on its own?

For each one who thinks of food as nourishment and life as energy. For anyone who would like to delve deeper in the realms of understanding one’s mind, body and how it is connected to everything that happens around us; past 50 days have revolved around writing while understanding, finding, probing, consulting, exploring the works of all kinds of people, writers, artists, scientists who have spent their lives to study and examine issues about Life, Health and Longevity. The findings are there but everything is scattered. And it needs to be put in order to bring it to the masses directly, concisely, plainly. Thus I felt I could bring to people some answers who are looking for any kind of solution in alternative medicine in a series of long form essays and eventually at least in the form an e-book

Writing something like this, at least till now brought me close to an understanding of how age-old thinkers, writers must have gone through a period of deep churning quietly, all by themselves and not having any person, leave phone or internet aside in order to express something that is so intensely relevant as soulful eating is. Though I am still at a crossroads and faraway from finalising anything. I felt a need to share with my people with whom I shared so much in last few years. You have been around and along in this journey and vice-versa. So whoever my co-traveller happens to read this, I would like if you have anything to comment on, any instruction, and suggestion, idea or thought on how they think on the terms of reading a book about Life, Health, Disease, Self-Healing and Longevity? I will be more than delighted.

Looking back this year brought a bundle of joys. Me becoming uncle(mama) as my sister gave birth to a baby girl. It was the happiest news. Also, Parents completing forty years of their life past week, out of sixty, each. Celebrating Independence Day at school and then the biggest of news coming from our Space organisation ISRO which became the fourth nation to put a rover on moon and first on the dark side of it. It really brought happiness and excitement in the nation. And filled the people with confidence and hope for a better future for not just us but for the humanity. Its a win for everyone like every big invention has been.

As I write this, I see a beautiful big super-moon up there from my balcony. It was an auspicious and love filled Rakshabandandhan Day today and I wish it to everyone in love with their siblings. Its only a miracle how festivals developed in India that took care of relationships for lifetime. Even if one doesn’t get to meet with each other throughout the year, Rakshabandhan– this day makes sure that you think well, exchange festivities, sweets, some laughs and memories with each other, where you are, you would want to meet, see, talk with your sibling.

As August leaves on a high, I wish everyone with a beautiful September. May flowers bloom in each home.

Sharing some shades from August

The Memorable Sunset over River Ganga

Interviewing Locals in Shuktaal, Uttar Pradesh

This Ashvattha tree is said to be the oldest Tree in India, at least. With a documented history of more than 5000 years.

Little Princess with the elder Bro, first day at home.

Our little Garden Roof this monsoon

In a first, an 800 gram Guava at home

One August Sky

77th Indian Indeoendence Day at School

Also Read : The Story of India in 75 Years of Independence

The Impossible made Possible. The Successful Landing in the third attempt of Chandrayaan3 made the whole nation proud and spirited.

The story of some (Indian) Siblings (Rakshabandhan)

The beautiful sunrise on the River Soni in Uttar Pradesh

: ँ :

Thank you

If today is the first time you have arrived on The Road to Nara, you are heartily welcome ~ Namaste

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: ँ :

I will take this opportunity to introduce you to About me and importantly

As a co-traveller, will take you through the Ten Lessons I learnt from several years on the roadbefore you coarse on youown Road to Nara.

Also read: 9 Most Read Stories from Road To Nara in 2022

: ँ :

You might also like to know about My Little School Project. 

If you wish to come over for a visit someday, that you must, you will be heartily welcome here

: ँ :

If you have anything to share, or feel like saying a hello, please feel free to write to me at

To visit other long-term photographic works, please visit here.

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Hi, I am Narayan Kaudinya. And i welcome you on this journey, the Road to Nara ! I am an Ethnographer and a practicing Indologist. I did my masters in History and further learnt Sanskrit, Yoga and Nerve-therapy. At 24, pushing most academic sounding, office sitting works away, i felt compelled to know and understand the world and my country, Bharat/India. I travelled, and as it happened i took up teaching in Kashmir and further up in the remote villages of Baltistan in the foothills of Karakoram Ranges. For around three years and many states later there came a time when i felt that it was only while teaching i learnt how to laugh, to see, feel, breathe, love and cry -with children, and mostly resource-less parents in the harshest-freezing border conditions. I write, and work as a documentary photographer and Filmmaker, with numerous published, exhibited and some awarded stories. In my travels and life i have let nature lead me, the divine mother, and as a Yogin, my resolve here is to share my experiences and thoughts as honestly, and through them to blossom in everyone the power and possibility in pursuing your breath, that you seek your true nature with courage and curiosity. Here, on this road i will share my spirit, my love for nature, the elements of life that are us. And in doing so, i'll be happy to see you along.


  1. Hi Sir ji. Glad to read you after a long time, first of all smiles from miles 😇. Pictures are pleasant and adorable. Wonderful post on every occasion that August carried out, you covered up in your own unique way. Avery good concept of your E-Book to answer on must needed topics.

    Today’s society possesses a range of tools and resources to address stress, depression, anxiety and internet addiction, including therapy, medication, self-help resources, and support networks. However, the effectiveness varies and challenges persist due to stigma, access barriers and the rapid evolution of technology. Life and time management can be aided by techniques, apps, and strategies but maintaining a balance remains a personal responsibility. Collaborative efforts involving individuals, communities, and professionals are crucial for addressing these complex issues successfully.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Suma, thank you for your much needed comment. And for the suggestions. You are right on the point. Anything that we do, our choices, decisions of most kinds is an individual’s responsibility.

      Yet at the same time everything that an individual comes across helps, assists in developing his intuition to make those decisions. And i believe that my trinity of long-form essays are going to give them a heads up in building that perspective and gradual decision making power.

      Lets wish for the best dear Suma, your presence is important and is always delightful.

      Thank you much for taking out time and putting your precious viewpoint.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. India has so much to be proud of. When I heard of the successful landing on the moon I was delighted. It is a shining achievement which is the sort of positive accomplishment that can re-focus the human spirit which is sorely needed. I hope other nations will find their focus as well at this critical time for the human race. As you say. lifetimes have been spent exploring, analysing, researching, philosophising. How is one to extract the essential parts? We need time for reading and evaluating but so few of us have the luxury of time in this modern world. Personally I think mankind has progressed too far in pursuit of physical pleasures and the dream of wealth. Detached as most are from the natural world of our planet, we have changed our own nature. We are becoming automatons. True wealth is Nature itself if we would only be enthralled by it! Exploration of the Universe stands to teach us much about our own world, so I see optimism in that.
    And there are people like yourself seeking to learn and to understand what really matters. We need more like you Nara! Blessings.


    • Its a precious comment dear Caro. You are true to the point. This success is rightly not only of India’s but of humanity as a whole. When the world over is fighting inflation and each other, India out of no where shook others for all the right reasons. And well, to not go too far away in saying this, but as a civilization, Indians have tried to give back as much not for themselves but each being.

      I am as good as my co-travellers are dear Caro. Thank you for being around, for leading the way in living the life of and with nature.


  3. KK says

    A lovely recapitulation, Narayan ji. Pictures are beautiful and capture emotions very well. Best wishes for future endeavours!


  4. I credit supplements and diet with helping me to remain fairly healthy since my mild heart attack in 2007. Best of luck with your project, Narayan!

    Thank you for sharing the lovely photos! ❤


    • You mean multi-vitamins Cheryl?

      And thank god, yours is way past now. I feel you have been more than active and eating healthy to keep diseases at bay.

      Thanks again, Cheryl.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I do take multivitamins and minerals, but also herbs, omega-3, coQ-10, resveratrol, turmeric…a long list., and I eat a high-fat, low-carb diet with lots of vegetables, nuts, avocados… I should exercise more.

        Old people talk too much about their health, so I will stop there.

        Hope you enjoy a long, healthy life, Narayan! ❤

        Liked by 2 people

        • haha only by reading the names I became healthier by a percent. You are super fit Cheryl, and its important that you talk and share all the goodies, else what better there is !

          Thank you much Cheryl 💛

          Liked by 1 person

    • Anne, thats an Iconic image. Imagine not having money to transport the parts of rocket and still manage to land on moon all these years after all by your own. Thanks much Anne, Hope you and family including your favourite horse are all well.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Beautiful post, Narayan. Please write more on the inter connectedness of the mind and body in the origin of lifestyle diseases. Thanks for the lovely pics and congratulations on becoming a Mama!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Diti, thank you for wishing me on earning bigger roles in life now. 🙂

      Yes, I feel the essays or even the book whenever they are ready will serve their purpose to lift the person up on many levels. Its an intensely interesting process.

      Thank you again.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I have been interested for the topics you mention at the beginning since 1983. Quantum physics showed me that the old masters had all been right, we are all connected with each other and everything, so how we treat ourselves has an impact on our surroundings, and how we treat others, has an impact on us. A book like you are planning or have been writing from a personal perspective (how you found what you found, and why you made the decisions you made) would be interesting to read.
    I loved the photos!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, dear Stella, may be after WW2, humans might have started feeling we have seen it all. But Old masters had seen this and beyond, They knew what and how the world’s trajectory is going to be like.

      Thank you so much for your acknowledgement Stella, Important words.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Goodness, Narayan, I’m just looking into joining an online TED “talk” typr-workshop called Ayurveda Amritanam! I’ve been subscribing to TM this last few months & diet, whether physical or spiritual, is something I am certainly interested in! Since reading about quantum physics I’m intrigued to find out more! India has surely had an exciting & inspirational history which the world needs to recognise. Without repeating all the achievements you mention I want to add my best wishes for your country’s future! Also, congratulations on becoming a Mama (uncle). 🙏


    • You surprise me Dear Ashley, not just because how curiously involved you are in matters of spirit and science but you have made sure to connect in ways with the Indian thought.
      And likewise is written extensively in the upanishads and later in the vedanta philosophy-quantam was being lived here thousands of years ago when scientists used to laugh(many still do)at the bling faith that we show in ani and inanimate things around us.

      You know i will be more than happy to be helping hand in your research into the spirit world. 🙂 thank you for writing always, in kind dear Ashley.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Dear Nara, I am a novice, even at 73 years I am learning, which is what drives me! If I stop learning or broadening my view, my vision of the world is diminished. It would be an honour to follow you. I reach out to you.
        If you go to my contact page, we could become pen-friends, yes, an old fashioned term for connecting with people who are far-away, although that used to be something done by post…now it is by email!
        Please enlighten me about “amritam”.
        I will probably not follow the course that I mentioned earlier as it will cost more than I’m currently willing to spend. However, I have a book “Ayurveda” by Geeta Vara which I hope to absorb fully. Possibly, it is too late in my life to begin this journey but “better late than never”. I am also studying a book about Tibetan Relaxation by Tarthang Tulku. I’m intrigued by the points in the body which affect health.
        You have just become an uncle which is amazing. I have just become a great grandfather…imagine how that feels! Crazy!

        Liked by 2 people

  8. A beautiful post Nara with good reason to keep you away. So much in this life to ponder for deeper understanding and love of humanity. Congratulations on our sisters beautiful baby and big bro and being a wonderful uncle😘

    Liked by 1 person

  9. August was really good for us especially Chandrayan 3. Beautiful photos. Your garden is refreshing! 👌well shared thanks.


  10. Read the book Ikigai.

    I guess the docu series on Blue Zones on Netflix will be interesting.


  11. Congratulations on the successful launch and landing on the far side of the Moon. An amazing accomplishment, the first of any nation!!


    • Thanks Gerry, yes. We as a nation take this as an accomplishment too.

      As I write, another mission for the sun is underway. We wish that whatever may come out, it helps humanity.

      Thank you for writing in kind.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. I can’t stop reading your wonderful blog, following your thoughts and learning about your country. I looked at all your photos for a long time. I love your beautiful, well-kept little garden that grows so many fruits and vegetables.
    Yes, I love our wonderful planet, which despite everything continues to gift us with incredible, wonderful things. We should all take better care of our earth.
    Narayan, I wish you all the best.
    Rosie from Germany


    • Dear Rosie, apologies for taking this long a time for replying to a comment as kind and uplifting as this.

      I had been quite inconsistent with keeping up with my blog past few months. It has to do with a number of responsibilities that have come. Plus learning the way of podcasting and expanding rather adding a visual dimension of this blog has been a distracting affair.

      But thank you for your motivating words. India that is also known as Bharat my country, is definitely one of the few things you will find that I have written about more often. There is also one important post on ‘Zero and India’ that is scheduled to be published in November 2023. You might find it amusing and worth a read.

      Also my school has been my dearest project and as I recently mentioned, working on it to expand and provide better opportunities to children in the coming future is my commitment. Let’s see how it fulfils.

      Thank you much for your wishes Rosie, and if I can invite you, and tell you that if ever you plan to come to visit India, you have someone to talk to and guide you through this beautifully diverse and spiritually wealthy country. Do plan a visit someday.

      Thanks again, Narayan.


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