Mysticism, Yogic Studies
Comments 39

Life is only breath. Every other thing a distraction.

The night before was dedicated to red Hibiscus flowers. They ended inside the fire place while praying for the solar chord, our right nostril, symbolising river Ganga; and in yogic texts known as pingala.

It was also mauni amavasya, i.e the quiet moonless night, as advised for centuries, this day must be observed in silence. Women who could not restrain themselves from speaking, fasted in exchange for words. And the ones who spoke nothing from mouths were seen talking cautiously from eyes.

There was nothing satvic about the day even though I tried to make it. And above all It ended without a moral, not that it had to. But without a story as if either it wasn’t needed or we weren’t important.

In the evening the walk became unending. It didn’t feel long but the sun had set. We went around the circular home to find more wood but instead found two calves loving like statues. Somehow they got excited and started running like jumping deers.

The once desired magic when attained, when passed over, turns to mundane. Life is only breath. And many a times, every other thing a distraction.

: ँ :

This entry was posted in: Mysticism, Yogic Studies


Hi, I am Narayan Kaudinya. And i welcome you on this journey, the Road to Nara ! I am an Ethnographer and a practicing Indologist. I did my masters in History and further learnt Sanskrit, Yoga and Nerve-therapy. At 24, pushing most academic sounding, office sitting works away, i felt compelled to know and understand the world and my country, Bharat/India. I travelled, and as it happened i took up teaching in Kashmir and further up in the remote villages of Baltistan in the foothills of Karakoram Ranges. For around three years and many states later there came a time when i felt that it was only while teaching i learnt how to laugh, to see, feel, breathe, love and cry -with children, and mostly resource-less parents in the harshest-freezing border conditions. I write, and work as a documentary photographer and Filmmaker, with numerous published, exhibited and some awarded stories. In my travels and life i have let nature lead me, the divine mother, and as a Yogin, my resolve here is to share my experiences and thoughts as honestly, and through them to blossom in everyone the power and possibility in pursuing your breath, that you seek your true nature with courage and curiosity. Here, on this road i will share my spirit, my love for nature, the elements of life that are us. And in doing so, i'll be happy to see you along.


  1. Remember my previous comment – in death, the breath turns into air. Everything you write is inspired by the divine, unworldly intervention. You are blessed one.


    Liked by 5 people

      • I have lost the whole lot! I wanted you to read the last paragraph of our post:
        “From ancient times India defined the goals of civilisation very differently to the West. The West raised individualism, materialism, rationality, masculinity as its ideals. The great tradition of India insisted on non-violence, renunciation, the inner life, the female, as pillars of civilization. And through all the triumphs and disasters of her history, she hung on to that ideal. History is full of empires of the sword. INDIA ALONE CREATED AN EMPIRE OF THE SPIRIT. ”
        Do you like this ending?

        I will write about the book, I promise!


        Liked by 2 people

  2. 1. I liked reading your verse. 2. Morale not moral(third paragraph)
    3. I would like to know who the girl in the picture is and who captured the picture. 4. There are beings who don’t need to breathe: divine or beyond: I assume it and I haven’t come across any: like I haven’t come across Arhats. I think I have read the name Pingala also being used for prostitutes in Purana stories: for example: Dattatreya’s twenty four teachers.

    Liked by 1 person

    • 1. Thank you 2. Thank you 3. One of the nine girls who arrived at home during previous navratra. 4. There are all kinds of beings but if they are walking on earth or even rooted, standing, they will breathe 5. Running tells me you are a fast bowler trying harder to hit like the follow through right. 5.1 Dattaguru roamed in the free world, who was prostitute and who mother, all could fly within a mind’s wink.


  3. Surendra Sharma says

    Narayan ,s articles are  really  interesting, full of  knowledge and indicate towards  nature and  spirituality. I am eagerly waiting for  books  availability. GOD bless him a lot. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hey, thank you so much Brooke and Danielle. This thanks was long due as i was away in the Himalayas. Thanks for your words. Your blog is love. Love it and will soon come over and read your tales.


      Liked by 1 person

  4. Very interesting. I see myself learning a lot from your writing and the travels you’ve undertaken. Life is only breath.. every other thing is a distraction. A sentiment I wholeheartedly agree with. We can live only in the present moment and everything else is an illusion. The past is fixed and the future only possible to influence. Breath is connection to all that is. All that lives, all that is divine and significant. It is control, it is flow, it is energising.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Pingback: Life is only breath. Every other thing a distraction. – Motivational Tips+Veg. Recipes Blogs

  6. dessertflower5 says

    I love your perspective Narayan. The way you write shows how much you love it. It’s something that makes the reader additive for. Keep up your amazing work as always🤩

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am most comfortable writing dear Flower, you are intuitive 🙂 you know it. Thank you and also apologies, i was away walking somewhere in the Himalayas for all these days. I hope you are doing things happily.


      Liked by 1 person

      • dessertflower5 says

        I can definitely see that Naryan. HAHAH you are observant I guess. The pleasure is all mine to read such interesting narrative of a beautiful places. Dont appolozise. I am good and hope you are well too. Winter in coming and you are in himalayan range

        Reagards Raghavasree

        Liked by 2 people

        • Winter up here has arrived early, and i realised people, Pahadis were really waiting for it this time.

          I am well and setting myself up too, for a long, winter of writing this time.

          Raga, wishing you a colourful and filled with light Deepawali. Narayan

          Liked by 1 person

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