Garhwal, North India, Rudranath Trek, Sacred Walks, The Higher Himalayan Research Walks and Treks, Uttarakhand
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The Pond of Saraswati and Meeting With the Brahma Kamal : Nara on a four day trek to Kalpeshwar Rudranath : V

Continuing from

FINDING Brahma Kamal: The Divine Flower Seat of Brahma: Nara on a four day trek to Rudranath : IV


The Quest for the Brahma Kamal : On a Rainy night from Delhi to Chamoli : I

Pandava Forest and the Brahma Kamal : The Nights of Change in the Himalayas : II

Days in the Hidden Valley of Mandal and a Small trek to Ma Anusuyadevi Temple : III

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I woke up and saw two Golden Eagles, hovering above me. But my first thought were not the eagles in the sky but the leeches, what if they were dining on my hard earned blood all night! It was fine. One thing that I made peace with since my teaching days in the Karakoram Mountains was the sleeping bag. Travellers start keeping their Heart in there pockets when there is no coming back home; because their life becomes a home itself.

It was a dawn to remember. Cloudless blue skies on a monsoon morning are rare at this altitude. But the wind carried a hint of storm. It was below freezing. We were restful. Neel started the day with flute, while we had a few hot cups of tea. Suddenly, the sound of lightening brought our morning ragas to a halt. Now Rain could arrive anytime. And before it does, it was important to find a place outside to relieve the imprints of yesterday. It wasn’t easy to find but I followed the sound of the fall. I walked barefoot. Every finger-breadth of that land around was a soggy wet bed of leaves that must have been adding one layer at a time ever since.

The eagles were still there, and who knows, how many creatures were hiding like me, even nearby looking at the sky, at her merciless predatory form from their hidden hovels. And it is amusing to realise how animal kingdom has evolved or not at all; thinking about Eagle’s breakfast and lunch, and how they had to fight and kill someone extraordinary as much, each time to eat and fill their stomach or even not. Large and powerful. this graceful flier is the largest of all the Himalayan birds and readily distinguished from all other birds of prey; predating over pigeon, chukor, snowcock, monal and other pheasants. The Nest young feed predominantly on crows and even has the strength and audacity to prey over the Serbian Cranes, flying thousands of feet over the Himalayas towards India or Tibet. Occasionally, there have been reports of predation of young Ibex, domestic lambs, marmots, fawn of musk dear, Ghorals or even foxes at will.

When it rains,
most birds head for shelter.
The eagle is the only bird that,
in order to avoid the rain,

soars higher into the sky and
starts flying above the clouds.

Image from Gandarbal, Kashmir

We came back to Earth after a long tour with the Golden Eagles. Huddled together that morning opened our Idea boxes; giving back to the society and how. We talked about conservation, and possibilities there are at our doorstep. Flowers, herbs; various type of bees known to the Himalayas and their art of collecting honey here. The diversity or the range of shoots, wild flora and saplings, important shrubs and vegetables that ones whole life will come short if we start thinking on how to bring this nature to the vast civilisation which is after god knows what riches. And there were ideas about growing Road to Nara into a Travel Therapy module for city children, archiving highly important flora and fauna of this region. Even to start with my school and other enthusiasts to experience this life at an early age. It was all exciting to imagine all of this as we waited for the rain; but the dark clouds floated away again, giving way to the clear skies.

Morning Sky minus the Golden Eagles
Waiting for the rain again, but the dream wasn’t ending
Making the fire, for one more chai
Some time for music before the day begins
One amongst so many- A land full of trees
Sumanto and Neel, observing the time
The first of the nectar falls

We entered the forest again. But as we entered, it appeared that the thicket had long gone, it was not the forest of yesterday but seemed that we have entered a close-knit society of thriving energies, visible and invisible. The mighty Jungle. The sight and stage had transformed here. The sounds had grown intensive and vivid. At all times each tree, grass, root, room, leaf knew of our presence, that we were there. As if they were watching us. Blooming with an integrated faith that everyone, moving or un-moving, seen or unseen is one aspect of that whole being; on way to Mahadeva’s dev symbolising Rudra, the lord of the animals.

Here, the trees had taken a form that was still arriving. Like overpassing their confines and becoming wild, growing rashly, almost rudely into each other like there is nothing to care for. For the first time I was feeling how a Garden of Eden would have been or it is this that we have come to. Sacred groves growing and becoming there wildest forms, that they could achieve, and achieving their param asna. Always in dhyana, deep solitude. So much so that many layers of other life forms have started living over them. Innumerable Small and big sized multi color mushrooms sprouting wherever they could, various breeds and strains of fungi, moss had taken over the whole jungle, many new plant species, seedlings, sprouts, trees that can never be found anywhere else but here, and some creatures never seen or heard of came in front to probably show their presence to me, many were seen enveloping the other. Trees those who have become their own extensions; multiplying through branches, entangling one with the other becoming a new third, like performing some form of expression. Or may be making out for eternity and something unexplainably other.

On one tree, the wrath of bear nails were etched like screeches in visual sense. Horrifying must be that moment.

It was nature’s most complete museum on display, and as we so amusedly walked onwards looking at right, left and up at all times solely trying to see more, my step kicked a bed of roots coming out of the mountain earth. One joined with the other, and other with another. It looked strange. Potato! Curious, I started digging in there, in the mineral rich wet earth, unearthing through the web of roots and found a whole region of ginger, wild ginger with an aroma of its own. Can a smell also be divine? But that ginger was. How I wish I can pack half a kilo and send to each one of my co-travellers here to taste for themselves. I took out my knife and cut around a kilo of them for us. It was immediate and exciting that we all wanted to taste it at the next stop we will find. And when the time arrived it tasted many times richer than anything ever I had at any home; rather a humanity away from it.

Surprises, ones which can elevate my spirit, like an idea are the ones I get most pleased by. We were allured by nature as if alchemy was at work; we were closing on to that terrain of earth where the ground started looking like a carpet made of roots. Wherever my eyes went, it were all roots. Small, wavering, standing parallel like curly hair on someone’s skull. The ginger was only the start of the root jungle or may be it was the end of vegetable garden someone might have planted decades ago because what started from there were no longer hidden under earth.

Pandavas first entered my lives, only here in the Himalayas, but on the other side of the valley, where I found my guru, dancing on the rhythm of ritual Pandava dance of the Himalayan villages, who for next three months will train me how to touch, and how to heal ones body, showing me each and every point on feet, on head, palms, opening closed arteries close to heart, but not the heart. The one who introduced me to the body chakras and the blooming of lotus petals within us. Who knew that one day i would be looking for the seed of all lotuses, here in the higher valleys, of whom he only spoke of as distant land stories.

This trek became a study in the university of nature. And at a time when whole of North India was at her transforming best; In the monsoons, colours vibrating, everything sprouting, water washing off all that once was, becoming history. Rivers gobbling earth, pushing banks, changing demography, mountains in this region are prone to landslide, rocks falling, it is a complete different land at this time. Just like mother’s body, washing away dirt at a certain time, nothing different.

But we had already left all those obstructions and came so far and so high only to search for that one divine flower, while finding ourselves in the middle of those two layers of clouds. One, which we have already risen above from and second which was still above us, in pure light and glory. It is here where the first time you start feeling entering in the world of others.

Throughout the walk, on most curves, on the mountaintops we found streams, water courses, rivulets, some small falls or just runnels drifting through wherever they could find a way. Its sound became our sound of expression too. At all times only whispering as anything and everything was too overwhelming to imagine or speak about at that time.

The jungle gave way to another highland; after a couple of thousand feet. Once big trees, who had denied the sun touching earth beneath them, themselves started becoming small and expansive. From growing vertically now they were growing parallel to the earth. So much so that on one you may even sleep with a pillow on. Here the signs of life were more apparent. And slowly the forest started giving way to the most beautiful meadows, grazing ranges, never touched moorlands.

As the path took to sky and we were walking on the highest ranges where grasses grew. A dear family was seen looking from the pastures above as a human family was walking by just below them.

Two deers watching a human family pass by
Entering other world’s
The higherlands

The Himalayas were starting to present its magic to us; pastures, small ponds for celestial beings had started to appear, and appeared the choicest of herbs and medicinal plants.

For a long time a known fragrance kept filling our lungs as long as that stretch remained, but we couldn’t perceive its source, till it came right in front to blow our minds. It was Tulsi. Saintly Tulsi revering the wilderness. Smiling, looking at each other with raised brows, we walked on and arrived at a junction where the tops of the two mountains meet. The breeze had carried away all the clouds. And the sun showered his blessings again. Like opening the gateway to light. That sunshine which poets write about, that we read but many can never experience. And here we were on the god’s door, embracing what we were given. We sat. And with us sat our new friend. A black dog.

The adjoining downturn lead to a meadow similar to the one we had left on the other side. Small bushes of Rhododendron trees had shrunken further. Once visible roots had given way to medicinal herbs and a sweeping valley of colourful flowers. We could smell through air ruminating with many fragrances of wild Tulsi, Vajradanti, Agarkara, Vijaya and many other known and unknown shoots and small wild bamboo forms.

Alchemy, wizardry, illusion; but for Neel and Sumanto this was home. The sun played again and without any warning. It started raining. We had been quite lost in looking and observing and had hardly walked as much as we should have. And we were getting slower and taking more breaks. There was no talk of the brahma kamal any more neither there was any hope to see it.

The night was knocking. And it was time to walk blindly faster. We needed to reach the temple tonight. And during this magic hour of the sun setting between the meadows filled with flowers, herbs and ponds, huge rock structures coming, sitting upright felt human-like themselves. More like they were the guardians of the world from here onwards. Seemingly guarding this for a milline-a or more. May be to keep an account of who’s coming. These rocks strangely resembled the biggest faces Himalayas might have seen, species we have known through our history; mammoths, dinosaurs, apes all sitting still and watching us. Even my Guruji once told me a short tale of energies who want to meditate over centuries taking refuge in two foundations on earth. Big trees and Huge rocks, and the ones who disturb these trees or break these rocks, calls calamity on. something changes, nature takes charge.

The evening took the better of us. And we were still considerably far. It was a dark night. And the way was tense. We were rushing past as if it was not a trek but a matrix. Suddenly someone screamed. The sound travelled at the speed of light in that meadow, how unusual. Almost cold-blooded. But who knows how many might have screamed like this in a thousand year old history on this path. Waiting, but gradually started walking again. The screamer screamed again, and shouted to run. Here is a bear!! We had our hearts in our mouth. There was nowhere to go. It was an open field. We could only run like chickens. But we held our ground and sat for a while. But sitting on grass with an unseen bear is confronting fear of the invisible. The valley went quiet. It was unusual as much as it was astonishing.

There was no sound of anything, of any creature or any human but the wind. Neel and Sumanto found their space around the big rock face and slept for a while as I dreamt of the White Lotus and the Pandavas again around these paths. Without any fragrance or any desire of having the diving flower anymore. I was tired. And I had given up. Sat looking up in that night light, when my eyes fell on something I could not believe. Through that darkness, and sea of steam and clouds, I was seeing the snowcapped mountains of Nandadevi, Trishul and the Bandarpooch Massif. It was Astral and I, the myth. I don’t remember when I slept.

From my phone, Snowcapped NandaDevi from Panar, Rudranath

It felt we never slept. The fear of bear had us on guard even in our sleep. We stood with a view of a valley filled with colours collected in a soup bowl of a gorge.

We spoke nothing, greeted no one but the nature in front and started walking like finally awakened pilgrims, through this

And reached finally after a gruelling parade to the lord’s doorstep; to the abode of the mighty one, Kalpeshwar Rudranath.

Seeing the holy mountain, flags fluttering was almost thirst-quenching, at least for my co-travellers but for me it was still silently sad. The lotus was nowhere to be seen and upon asking, it was told that one has to walk further for another six kilometres towards Nandi Kund. It was there where the valley of the heavenly Lotus is. Not possible!

We instead walked to the pond behind the majestic temple; through a maze of flowers and a scenery which only love can create. It was the pond, the waters of Saraswati.

In our own, we calmly took baths. Neel played a late morning raga called Shivmat Bhairav. As we all settled, sat there to meditate. The time elapsed and with breeze, droplets started to sink in our skin. My eyes were closed. There couldn’t be anyone around but us. Yet something fell on my lap. It could still be a trap to break my deep meditative state. I didn’t open my eyes. As It is not even advised. But in that time a fragrance arrived. One which arose my senses. All of them, carrying me to a state which was even deeper. And when I opened my eyes, on my lap I found that i had never seen, never held; one of the biggest, most beautiful Lotus for which I my soul had walked thus far.

Neelabha praying to the mother, Saraswati Kund

It wasn’t only I who was looking for the divinity, it was also the divinity taking care of me. He graced us just at that moment when all other moments had subsided. Without asking anymore. When all my queries had made peace with my heart; without any want or any craving, anymore longing. May be or certainly this is how life grows you, blooms you, starts living through you.

What looked distant and never reaching arrived without asking. As I Carried the Brahma Kamal with me.

Aum Rudraya Namah

: ँ :

Summarising the direction for the reader who cannot wait to leave.

Bus from ISBT Kashmere Gate to Gopeshwar, Garhwal Uttarakhand. Gate number 8(490 Kilometres) – 2030 Hours – INR 550/-

Due to heavy rains I had almost abandoned my journey but adventure came in between. I queried and found the only private bus which took the longest detour and dropped me at Rudraprayag after 14 hours. Where I had to run to get the last bus that was going to Mandal. I reached the village at 2300 hours. – extra INR 500/-

Gopeshwar to Sagar (11 Km) – You can find local bus or Taxi. – INR 300/-

Stayed at friend’s place – Priceless

If you wish to do Ma Anusuyia and Rishi Atri Ashram Trek, which you must, you can get further down at Mandal- a village 6 kilometres ahead from Sagar. Many walkers and Trekkers start from Anusuiya temple trek to go to Rudranath, it is harder, undoubtedly beautiful but in monsoons not advisable.

: ँ :

Thank you.

If today is the first time you have arrived on The Road to Nara, you are heartily welcome ~ Namaste

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I will take this opportunity to introduce you to About me and importantly;

As a co-traveller, my Ten Lessons from several years on the roadbefore you coarse on youown Road to Nara.

Also read: Top 9 Most Read Posts of 2022

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Also, You will be to know about My Little School Project. If you wish to come over for a visit someday, that you must, you will be heartily welcome here

If you would like to contribute to my travels, you can please do so here

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If you have anything to share, or feel like saying a hello, please feel free to write to me at

To visit other long-term photographic works, please visit here.

To follow my walks through the rural Indian Subcontinent, find me at 
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Hi, I am Narayan Kaudinya. And i welcome you on this journey, the Road to Nara ! I am an Ethnographer and a practicing Indologist. I did my masters in History and further learnt Sanskrit, Yoga and Nerve-therapy. At 24, pushing most academic sounding, office sitting works away, i felt compelled to know and understand the world and my country, Bharat/India. I travelled, and as it happened i took up teaching in Kashmir and further up in the remote villages of Baltistan in the foothills of Karakoram Ranges. For around three years and many states later there came a time when i felt that it was only while teaching i learnt how to laugh, to see, feel, breathe, love and cry -with children, and mostly resource-less parents in the harshest-freezing border conditions. I write, and work as a documentary photographer and Filmmaker, with numerous published, exhibited and some awarded stories. In my travels and life i have let nature lead me, the divine mother, and as a Yogin, my resolve here is to share my experiences and thoughts as honestly, and through them to blossom in everyone the power and possibility in pursuing your breath, that you seek your true nature with courage and curiosity. Here, on this road i will share my spirit, my love for nature, the elements of life that are us. And in doing so, i'll be happy to see you along.


  1. aparna12 says

    Absolutely fascinating and a fantastic post. Loved it a lot.


  2. Pingback: The Pond of Saraswati and Meeting With the Brahma Kamal : Nara on a four day trek to Kalpeshwar Rudranath : V — ROAD TO NARA | Ned Hamson's Second Line View of the News

  3. The Part V of this unique collection of the visionary accounts of the divine place that the Himalayas are is as fascinating as the previous ones were but then slightly different, as it is more evident that the writer’s hand is guided by the divine. With the combination of a mystic and a guru, the writer achieved the stage of a sage as predicted by Swami Vivekananda of those who deeply meditate. Narayan, quite rightly observes that many can read about the places and visible or unseen energies that are at the god’s door high in the Himalayas, where if one stretches a hand, one could almost touch the sky, but could not experience this for themselves. It isn’t only the physical stamina that is needed but also, the mind of the ancient creators of the Bible, the Koran, and the Sanskrit writers, all of whom were visionaries inspired by their belief in God. I think that Narayan’s book will be read in this way, an absorbing account of what we can perceive but are not able to create ourselves.
    His wonderful studies of the sky, the trees, and his exquisite description of the ” university of nature ” that includes the taste and smell of wild herbs, and wild ginger, and finally, finding the elusive, highly scented lotus that is seemingly placed in his lap by the divine, is a read that will stay in our mind forever. His photographs add to the atmosphere of the journey in the sublime.
    Thank you, Narayan, for this masterpiece.



    • My dearest nature, its like getting a booster shot when i read you describe how you feel and see these words. I do not know for sure if you would come to these higher Himalayas and thus my only wish, when i write these long walking essays is to carry you along, and all those who wish to see this old old and higher parts of the world with their own eyes and feelings.
      I can only feel graced to have someone like you to think of this writing anything but good. It makes my humble to even read about the high standards that you think this work is. It is merely my way of leading this life amongst nature and loved ones.
      Also, one thing that i could not tell while concluding this essay which i later felt i should, that the Lotus was thrown by the priest of the temple who had come to take water, as i was later told. It wasn’t all alchemy but without doubt divinity has her ways to find you as the flower did, certainly.
      I cannot thank enough for you to have come along on this and so many journeys with me dear Joanna. It is my pleasure as much it is an honour. So much love to you.


    • So many journeys there are still to be taken under, this might I would say is only a warm up. As you out of all will know. Thank you so much again dearest Joanna.

      Narayan x


      • Thank you, dearest Narayan, for your wonderful understanding of my review of your essay.
        It would be a dream to be able to come on the journey with you as a guide to the wonder of the Himalayas! In the meantime, I am looking forward to more of your writing.
        Love to you,

        Joanna x


  4. Susan says

    This was such a rich experience to read, thank you very much for sharing.


  5. Such a very amazing and special journey. Your words and photographs are a gift for which I thank you. The photographs actually bring tears to my eyes as that land is one I have always held to be special. You convey the feeling of the jungle and mountains and that special silence, Our planet needs these experiences but so few will ever be fortunate enough or sensitive enough to have them. Thank you again, Narayan.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dearest Caro, so happy to be walking alongside me on this special walk. As you did feel, it was very quiet memorable, exceptional or even a highlight, one which would change many a things for good in the years to come. To even know that you had tears makes me emotional. And i can never tell you enough how much I enjoy your words and your presence on these journeys with me. It is as special as you are, like Sikkim 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much Caro. For only making me feel super and special. I wish to bring as much and inspire you and your loved ones to come over and travel on one such journey with me.

      Narayan x

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Your trail is like a dream. I followed a golden eagle two days ago in a landscape the opposite of this one. ❤ "it was also the divinity taking care of me"

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Pingback: Incredibly Beautiful Post – Women's Wilderness Legend “Summer is the season of inferior sledding” – Inuit proverb

  8. Thanx for the beautiful views of your trek, but oh, how I wish you knew the Creator of all this wonder! There are spirits and there are spirits; we are wise to learn to distinguish between those who participate in giving life and those who try to deceive us. I hope someday to share a journey with you if Anita and I ever get to come your way.
    ❤️&🙏, c.a.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear C.A Lovely to have your blessed words. Just makes me so happy to know with your presence how much you enjoy and take pleasure yourself in it. And trust me I will be honoured to host you and Anita. And would make sure to actually take care of your itinerary, stay and travels whenever you plan and hopefully take you to the most serene vistas there are in India. Please plan.

      Liked by 1 person

      • We are starting our FIRST trip out of town in TWO YEARS today; just a road trip to Florida and to see some friends going and coming.
        It still may be a couple of years before we venture into a airport!!! 😉


        • My wishes for a thrilling and deep time to come c.a. And absolutely fine. It is the Himalayas who will make way after your will and wish. I may only be a good servant.

          Take good care both of you. Joy on travels!
          Narayan x

          Liked by 1 person

  9. What a privilege to be able to make this journey into a cloud-covered mountain region of Mother Earth, untouched by humanity’s greedy hands! I imagine the chilling screams in the dark night, warning of the presence of a bear, as a reminder that we humans share this land with other living creatures. Your journey’s end yielded that which you sought as you meditated in the water of Saraswati. Blessed is the one who finds what the soul yearns for ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    • Rosa, how happy I am to have you with me on this Journey. And You above most because I know your struggle and how much will it has taken to be you. May be just like these mountains I was blessed to walk on.
      That scream was something yes, and when it comes from an open valley, and nowhere to hide. It is so true actually and I hadn’t thought of it that way as we were intruders in a way in their region, in their territory. Actually it all is theirs. We have, since time immemorial been intruding whatever we could find.


    • Thanks for these words again Rosa. Also I think i never asked but, why don’t you plan to come and travel in India someday?

      Thanks again Rosa, Narayan x


    • And do not worry, no trouble getting there. You just take one step. The rhythm will be made.

      Thanks for writing Hitha. I think i have you here after a long while. So happy to have you again.

      Narayan x

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Thank you! Your carry me to places I am unlikely to physically visit but reading your posts allows me to walk with you. 🙏🙋‍♂️


    • Dear Ashley, now when you have walked with me. In times of peace rest, close your eyes and just imagine yourself walking, running and enjoying yourself through this mist and clouds. You will be there. You are already there. You just have to think.
      Gives me immense pleasure to have your words Ashley. Thank you so much.


  11. Susan says

    Really amazing read, many thanks for sharing. Do you have a PayPal account, I’d like to make a contribution


    • Heartfelt to know this dear Susan. Can’t thank you enough for this. Please allow me to write to you over mail.

      Thank you. Narayan x


  12. You’re writing and adventures are like a clean, cool river in a thristy land. Thank you for sharing. I wish you every blessing.🌻


  13. Nara, now I remember why the favorite color of my youth was green! This morning I have spent a couple of enchanted hours with you on your travels through this other-worldly landscape of magnificent mountains draped in clouds. Surrounded by waterfalls, ancient trees, fields of wildflowers, flute music, and fields of wild ginger, how could the hardy people who live in this paradise ever be content anywhere else? How could you not be enticed to brave many hardships to return to this blissful place again and again?

    Thank you for sharing your journeys. Have a beautiful day!


    • You made my evening, and night like i was floating on water, with a pillow. Smiling towards the sky, Cheryl. I can’t describe how your words mean to me and how much confidence they put in me to at least keep writing, even if i do not do anything else.

      You know i also say it to myself, how can i ever come back from the Himalayas. Leaving mountains never gives me Happiness. But you know it is only when I leave them, they surprise and fill me in with more love and blessings. Just wish I keep them close, like i will do to your words.

      Thank you so much for writing a heart filling review.

      Narayan x


  14. A spiritual quest so vividly described and photographed, that it just carries the reader along on the physical and mystical journey to the highest and purest reaches of our world . To read of the Brahma Kamal dropping into your lap while you were meditating, had me letting out a sigh of pure contentment. Thank you for a most wonderful post. Om namah Shivaya.


    • How lovely to read from you dear Diti. Thank you for writing. You know, it did arrive how i conveyed but upon asking, i was told the priest from the temple had come who had dropped it. So, may be it got planted in his chitta somehow that when he saw, he gave me as a prasada. Your words and you coming along on the journey means a lot. Thank you so much.

      Aum Shivaya namah


      • Somehow that makes the whole Divine synergy, the interconnectedness of all things,even more clearer and special. Like you’ve said, you were looking for the Divine but the Divine was also looking for you. Thanks for your reply. 🙏🏼

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hi Narayan, thank you for your kind response. I know I’ve been quite absent with posting on my blog, I hardly have time and second of all I haven’t travelled anywhere since a long time, so not much to post about. But it will change. Take care. Cornelia


        • That is true. And i know that shall change soon but knowing about inner life travels and even strange new thing around home is an opportunity to photograph and write Cornelia, isn’t.

          Hope to keep seeing a lot more of you.


  15. KK says

    I had read this interesting write-up a few days back, but couldn’t comment, as I was absorbing so many things you have covered from the museum and university of nature. Right from the divine ginger to saintly Tulsi, golden eagle and bear, everything has been captured in a very captivating way. Eagle story is really inspiring, that gives an out of box thinking. I certainly would have liked to accompany you on this thrilling trip, but your description and live pictures compensated to a great extent. Thank you so much. I’m happy that the quest for Brahma Kamal came to an end. All the best, Narayan ji, for your future endeavours !


    • The quest to see the Brahma Kamal certainly ended Kaushal Ji but it only flamed my quest to see them blooming, to see their pink, white and blue fields filled and flowing through mist and clouds. Even though lotuses are only a means to a bigger destination- its the journey which pushes inner will. You certainly must think about accompanying on one of these walks Kaushal ji. Thank you so much for your kind review.

      Liked by 1 person

      • KK says

        You’re welcome, always. And yes, one day, God willing, Narayan ji, I might accompany you on a walk. Let’s see.


  16. ‘Travellers start keeping their Heart in there pockets when there is no coming back home; because their life becomes a home itself.’ Beautiful.
    thank you for taking me to a country and a culture so different from the ones I know.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. This is my favorite of all your post so far. You story and presentation are captivating. Such a beautiful journey! The following are some of the lines that caught my attention.

    When it rains,
    most birds head for shelter.
    The eagle is the only bird that,
    in order to avoid the rain,

    soars higher into the sky and
    starts flying above the clouds.

    The diversity or the range of shoots, wild flora and saplings, important shrubs and vegetables that ones whole life will come short if we start thinking on how to bring this nature to the vast civilisation which is after god knows what riches.

    It was all exciting to imagine all of this as we waited for the rain;

    Your photos are wonderful. Narayan. the mountains and the trees growing wild and free and some parallel to the earth as you climb in altitude! Such a great journey you had.

    And then: And here we were on the god’s door, embracing what we were given. We sat. And with us sat our new friend. A black dog.

    But sitting on grass with an unseen bear is confronting fear of the invisible.

    It wasn’t only I who was looking for the divinity, it was also the divinity taking care of me. He graced us just at that moment when all other moments had subsided.

    The Lotus was a beautiful gift to you!


    • Interestingly Dear Dwight, this is my favorite post on the blog too. Not because of how and what I wrote but the experience behind it took me on a very deep and spiritual time that one week. And it makes me happy that you felt it while reading it.

      Thank you, Dwight.

      Liked by 1 person

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